Monday, September 27, 2010

GIT Ch. 8, 9, 10

Aloha Juniors!
Please post your possible quiz questions for Chapters 8, 9, & 10 of Girl in Translation before I see you on Wednesday. Don't forget to include both your name and period, followed by three questions (one for each chapter).

Have a beautiful day of great reading!!

-Mrs. A


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 8. What song does Kim's mother play on the piano in the music store?
    9. What is Matt's second job?
    10. What does Kim regret after seeing Vivian?

  3. 8. What had been clear to Kim and Ma about Aunt Paula and their living situation?
    9. Matt had told Kimberly earlier that his father had died. But when they take a trip into the city, what is the truth revealed about Matt's father?
    10. What did Curt do that almost got him kicked out of school, and what were the requirements he had to follow to stay at the school?

    - Alicia Ishihara
    Period 4

  4. 8.What did Kimberly find in her locker? Who wrote it?
    9. What did Annette start calling herself?
    10. What was kimberly careful of with Matt?

  5. 1. What was Kim's "sanctuary"? Where was it located?
    2.What did Kim use that wasn't her's that upset Ma when she arrived at the factory, that she had to scrub off?
    3. What awkward remark had Matt made when Kim told him his pants looked different?

  6. 1. what was the truth about matts father?
    2. what did kim do for curt?
    3. what did curt kinda somewhat do for kim in return for what she did for him?

  7. 8) What was the purpose of wearing Jewelry made of gold and jade where Kimberly comes from?

    9) Where did Matt take Kimberly that showed that he trusted her?

    10) Who did Kimberly help and tutor?

    -Michaela Darrow pd.4

  8. 8.After matt had stood up for kim and ma to aunt paula, what did she make him do from then on in the facory?
    9.After annette became suspicious of kim not answering her phone in the day, what did she finally come clean about?
    10.What did kim do at curts party?

    Jenna P.
    Pd 4.

  9. 8. What did Curt do for Kimberly?
    9. What did Kimberly have to do to prove she was not cheating?
    10. What was the favor Curt asked of Kimberly?

    -Julie Ann Fernando, Period 4

  10. 8. who was the tour guide for kim and ma?
    9.what instrument does ma play?
    10.what were the requrirements for matt to stay in school?

    - Cody Colello period 4

  11. 8. What did Ma say about Matt?
    9. Why is Kim nervous about taking the big exam?
    10.What did Curt ask of Kimberly?

  12. 8. What did Kim find in her locker?
    9.what was the truth about matts dad?
    10. What did Matt do that almost got him kicked out of school?
