Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dialectical Journals

Don't forget!
In addition to doing your readings, you must also do a dialectical journal.
Please include 5 quotes from the chapter you are reading and turn it in via hard copy or email (before I see you that day). Since you know that you can email your dialectical journal, there are no excuses for you not being able to turn it in. Therefore, even if you are absent, you are still required to keep up with the reading and turn your journal in on time. You can email your journal to me at alpiche.kanae.mhs@gmail.com.

Here are some examples of dialectical journals. You choose the one that fits you best.

By the time we are finished with our dialectical journals, you will have found 45 quotes that you may or may not use in the composition of your essay.

You will be tracing the two themes of your choosing throughout the reading of The Great Gatsby. If you do not find five things within the chapter that relate to either of your themes, please include something that is of interest to you. Also, don't forget to mention how something is or is not going to help you compose your essay. Let me know if you have any questions.